Snowmobilers riding in field

Saturday Demember 28, 2024
Tenetive first Ride to Ishpeming and Back

Tuesday December 31,2024
New years Party 6:00 PM to ???

Wednesday January 1, 2025
Open Club Night 6:00 PM

January 9, 2025
Club Meeting 7:00 PM

Monday January 13, 2025
Open Club Night 6:00 PM

Wednesday February 5, 2025
Open Club 6:00 PM

Two snowmobilers

Are you looking for people to ride with?

Do you want to join our club?


Download and fill out the membership form below and send it in to The Membership Application PDF opens in new tab.

About Us


The Moose Country Snowmobile Club is a snowmobile club in Republic, Michigan. The club was founded in 1988 by Ernest J. Brancheau for the purpose of developing and maintaining snowmobile trails. From our humble beginnings we have grown into a club with over 500 members located in various states.

This club’s trails include (view map):

  • Western Marquette County
  • Trenary Trails
  • UP Central Trails
  • Hiawatha Trails

Our trails connect to the following clubs’ trails:

  • Baraga County Convention Visitor’s Bureau
  • Big Bay 550 Snowmobile Club
  • U.P. Central Trails
  • Iron Range Trail Club
  • Tri-County Snowmobile Club

Trails & Volunteers

hard work

Through hard work and thousands of hours of volunteering over the years, we have grown the club and trail network to where we now operate 4 snowmobile groomers and maintain approximately 180 miles of trails around the Central Upper Peninsula.  The trails that we maintain include trail 8 from Ishpeming to the Baraga County line, trail 5 from Republic to the turn around on the way to big Bay, (this is where we hand off the trail to the 550 Snowmobile club) and trail 5 from Republic South to Lehman Road where we meet the turnaround with the Tri County snowmobile club. Trail 32 from trail 5 split to Kates Grade, Trail 18 From Republic Heading to Amasa with the Turnaround at the DNR bridge over the Fence River and finally we have trail 82 From Ishpeming to Republic which is also known as the Heritage Trail.

We have 3 groomers based out of Republic and 1 out of Ishpeming.  We rely on 12-15 trained Volunteer Operators to groom and maintain the equipment and the trails.  Our Volunteer Operators take great pride in their work since they also ride and enjoy these same trails. 

    Group Rides

    Every Saturday

    Our club has a group ride every Saturday during the riding season when conditions allow. Group rides leave the club house in Republic and go to various destinations. We accept all riders of any skill level to come along for a ride. Many first-time riders to the club enjoy the comradery of the club and end up joining the club after the ride. There are many long-time friendships that have started trail side on a club ride.

    Club Events

    for members

    Club events include a New Years Eve party, Super Bowl watch party, St. Patrick’s Day stew feed/ride in, and a trail side Picnic Ride during the winter. We are also active in the summer with a Cinco de Mayo ATV ride and a Fall Picnic in August. We also sponsor and host a snowmobile safety course for youth and any adults or first-time riders are also encouraged to attend.



    Club Apparel
